Divorce, ex husband accuses Karisma Kapoor poison Brain Child-son

Divorce, ex husband accuses Karisma Kapoor poison Brain Child-son - Not only accused Karisma Kapoor married her only because of the treasure, now Sanjay Kapoor is also called the actress was already poisoning the minds of their children. According to Sanjay, Karisma had to tell false stories about him which eventually makes her two children, seeing her and Kiaan not want to see him.

Divorce, ex husband accuses Karisma Kapoor poison Brain Child-son

Reporting from Filmi Beat, Sanjay Kapoor not only express it to the media. A businessman from Delhi wrote about this issue in the lawsuit that he gave to the Family Court of India.

Sanjay lawyer also mentioned that seeing her several times told him that he was not interested to meet with his father. This is what makes Sanjay increasingly inflamed and eventually filed suit.

Until now children Karisma has not met again with their father. Sanjay lawyer also mentioned that Karisma would not let the children meet with the father before Sanjay pay benefits that he requested.

Although Karisma did not speak about the matter, but his father, Randhir Kapoor commented. According to the old actor, Karisma does not need money from Sanjay because their families are already well off.

Randhir just behind the accused Sanjay just want to take advantage of this issue so famous and rich look in the eyes of her new boyfriend. Because Karisma did not require money from Sanjay to support her two children.

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